Monday, August 8, 2011

The Three Groups

So, I have not had a chance to get on the blog for a while due to starting a new business and working with it. I have a lot of new knowledge and information that I hope can help you out. Over the next week or so I will be posting all of that information and hopefully give you some psychology behind what drives a social network and its users.
I get asked a lot when I walked into a business and start talking social networks about the younger generation. The younger generation seems to be who the businesses of the world want to focus on since they have the most control over money and are willing to spend it.
I have come up with three versions of the younger generations. The first groups is what I call the beggars; I call them this since their age range is seven to 12, they want something so they beg a parent or someone to get it. Now this group is one that is slowly but surely making its way onto social networks, parents are monitoring them or allowing them on some of the networks based around young generations. Marketing to this generation requires a page that looks fun and adventures. Things like Disney and WB kids use just that. Making the page easy to read with light wording will work best. The next generation is what I call the askers; this is the age range from 13 to 17, this is where they start to ask for money from parents or others. Now this is a difficult one, but in a nut shell this is the age where people are trying to find themselves. So making a page looks cool and upbeat will work the best. Using light slang will help out a lot and make it look popular, where the popular kids would go. The final stage is this worst but yet the smallest, I call it the confused; this Is the age from 18-20, I call them this since this is where most kids are transitioning from high school to college, they use social networking to create an image and a almost false reality if you will for their selves. Marketing to this age range will require lots of work and research and you cannot stay constant. Tomorrow’s blog post will be all about this age range.
So this is just a little dip of insight into the younger generations. Now There is tons more of this but it is really just too much to put down in one sitting, so over the next few days we will be going into these more in detail. If you have any questions you can email me at

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