Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shake Hands

Well! Sorry for the absence but I am back! After sorting through all the new stuff at E3 and becoming A+ certified, I have been really busy. But I was just want to make a quick thought today. Now take in mind that this blog is all my opinion and is based on the stuff that has worked for me in the industries that I have worked in and through the classes I have taught.
The quick thought I want to leave you with today is that Social Networking is great! I know right? That’s it, you’re probably asking yourself. Well it is but, social networking is the means to network with people in a social setting either online or offline. My suggestions for you would be to start with a greeting in person first then moving to the online aspect of it. When working on sales calls, business connections, or means to keep in touch with customers, shakes their hand first then send them a friend request.
Now if you’re trying to grow your business on facebook it is impossible to do this and that ok, but if you are managing connections you need a hand shake first. Let’s say you see Bob on facebook send him a friend request out of the blue and well you have never seen Bob in person or ever even heard of him, more than likely he will deny you. Let’s say you know Bob owns a business or is a manager for a business, go in shake his hand introduce yourself and tell him what you do and how you can benefit off each other. Then when you get back to the office send him a friend request.
I want go on about this forever but bottom line is in today’s world with online dating, meeting new friends online, and keeping up with current friends, people tend to think that everything can be done online and often leave out the real life hand shake. So next time you start to add a new customer think about shaking their hand first.
Adam Pool
The Social Guy

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