Friday, June 3, 2011

People Want to do business with people

“People want to do business with people.” This is a term that I heard in my first marketing class in college. In social Media this term is extremely important. While online resources have made it easier to do business, people still like to know they are dealing with people.
The biggest customer complaint I see on Facebook and Twitter is that people’s questions do not get responded to. It is very simple and worth the time, if someone comments on your wall or tweets to you, answer back make sure that person knows you are there and that people know you will respond to them. Responding to messages is another big step in letting people knows you are a caring company. This stuff, I know to most people seems like a waste of time, but it is completely worth it. Social Networking has created one of the best customer service tools out there, this helps PR and one-on-one connections with customers.
People now often personify companies as being people. When something goes wrong with a product and someone wants to complain they want to complain to a person, which is put in place as the company. So having a friendly, transparent, and inviting social network will create more of a personal feeling for that customer. Social Networks have created a way that companies can be extremely “Social” hence the Social Network.
So when people tweet, message, or wall post answer them back, and by answering this will help maintain good customer relations, bring in new business, and make that person feel like they have a part in your company. This is well worth the time and man power to do.

Adam Pool
“The Social Guy”

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