Wednesday, June 8, 2011

In today’s economy businesses are making drastic changes in order to save money and cut back on gas expenses. When it comes to the sales department it is going to get hard to expense fuel , so why not take advantage of social networking.
Depending on your company, your sales territories can be either large or small, a lot of customers or not a lot of customers. Either way you have to drive around and in that four door sedan with cloth seats and a V six engine, it gets decent gas mileage but depending on the size and quantity of your sales territory it could be very expensive. So let me suggest a radical change.
Instead of driving around to each company or making those follow up calls and waiting in the waiting room to see the person head of purchasing or the owner and you might not get to even see them, ask for their social network information. In today’s world most companies large or small have some kind of social net work, either Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn are the top three.
Social networks allow for people to be connected virtually and it still allows you to have your sales regions and territories. This would one save on gas and two would put to use every helpful asset to your company there is. Now I would not suggest sending a facebook message for a cold call, but as far as just checking up, then I would.
Now a lot of sales people will say “People prefer face to face contact when it comes to sales”, well that is a little old fashion. People in today’s world are much attuned with technology and it helps them as much as it helps you. It saves them time from not having to carve out meeting times with you and it allows for a quick reply and quick conversation.
So if you are looking for a new way to do sales I would suggest using social networking. This will help you and help the customer.

Adam Pool
The Social Guy

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