Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Gateway

Social Media gives an easy and free platform for businesses to grow their web presence. Running a webpage is great but, you need to put that web page in people’s faces. Start up businesses this is a MUST! For startup companies social networks get your name out in the community that you’re in.
Remember that a social network is an extension of your current webpage; it is not meant to act as your full web presence. A social network is to act like a window into your business and a quick reference. A webpage is for detailed information about your business, your products, and employees. A social network is a quick reference with some visuals, contact information, and mission statement.
A social network page should include no more than the mission statement of your business in a paragraph, contact information, and visuals. Visuals need to be picture of your business, the people that run the business, the owners, and projects that your business does.
When a business tries to add everything on its webpage to its social network page it becomes cluttered and unorganized. People do not want to have to dig through information when looking at a social network; they are there to get a quick reference about your company. So keep it clean and easy to read and find general information.
So bottom line is that your social network is just a gateway and should be just a gateway to your web page. So think of it as a business card, you have your general information and who you are on it and that is all you have, you would not want to put everything you do and what all your business does on a two by four business card, so stream line your social network to just be a gateway to the webpage.

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